Ope's Opinions

10 Nigerian Women You Should Run Away From

06:27:00Opeyemi Famakin

There are lots and varied reasons why a brother should stay away from some Nigerian women; I am sure you know this by now, but I tell you, here is my list of the no-no; the women you should never touch, even with a 100 feet long pole.
They are killers, not physically maybe, but your future, destiny, happiness and purpose in life. Be wary of them and you will live long.

Miss Big Boss: Miss Big Boss is sweet and well-mannered initially, but sooner than later, you will realize that she is slowly becoming the boss, ordering you around, often with a sweet smile and a tone you will not refuse. She gives you tips on how to lead your life, maintain your relationships and how ambitious you should be. She tells you the kinds of guys you should hang out with and makes sure you go where she is comfortable with, she wants you to abide by her likes and dislikes, and eat whatever she loves eating. My guys, you are in for one big trouble with her.

Miss 'Keep on Guessing' type: She loves to play hard to get and wants you to always be on the edge. You don’t know when her ‘yes’ is ‘yes’. Even if she says 'yes', you are left waiting for her to make a plan to meet. She will always keep you guessing about whether she likes you or not. As a result, you are forever insecure that someday, she might just end up with someone else.

Miss Chatterbox: Guys, please do not the mistake of dating these types of women because they will drive you nuts with their never-ending prattle. And, know it that she who tends to talk too much is often a gossip and cantankerous. She will never shut up, barely stopping to breathe. She does not ‘hear’ stop, even from you, her supposed man. Most times, she is only concerned about what is going on in her life, and always has to make a comment about everything and dominates conversations.

Miss Desperado: This is a clear ‘run-run-run’ signal. If you are unfortunate to hook up with a desperate chick, boy, you are doomed. At first, she seems just the perfect woman, fantastic and fun to be with but once you get past the first month of your relationship, she usually reveals her true self. She remembers and celebrates the first day you met, who said hello first, your first date, your first kiss, the first time you said ‘I love you’ and the first call you made to her. When she succeeds in these, she starts talking about your wedding location, how many kids she wants and the name of your future dog! When a woman advances faster than normal, that is the watch out signal, my brother. She needs to hook up with a man so bad she will settle for anything even the homeless guy on the corner.

Miss Critical: You will be digging your grave if you settle for Miss Critical because she will definitely drive you there. For her, nagging is her second nature and anything you say or do is simply not good enough. Nothing works unless it is done according to her standards. Anything that is said by anyone will be quickly taken out of context to become some sort of insult or some reason to wage war against the world. This type of woman has plenty of emotional baggage and will make you an angry and bitter person as there will be nothing but misery with her.

Miss Bimbo: Unless you are after the one night stands, run away from Miss Bimbo because that is what she is only good at. She has a great body, good looks and skills, only meant for the bedroom. But intellectually, she is a numbskull, who, in all honesty, believes her prowess in the bed qualifies her to be taken home to mama. Guy, she is only good for the sack as she has nothing upstairs; she is lazy, lethargic and indolent, only believing her behind the doors abilities covers everything.

Miss High Maintenance: My friend, even if you work in the biggest multi-national company in Nigeria and your monthly salary is in the region of 2 million, you are still in trouble with this woman. After all, is it not said that the higher one goes, the higher his bills? If Miss High Maintenance breaks a nail, she expects you to take her to the most expensive salon in town to fix it. Her shopping is not done in Yaba or Oshodi but in the classy boutiques at Lekki, Victoria Island and Ikoyi. If her car develops a minor fault, she needs a new car, after all, her daddy used to tell her she is a princess and it has stuck in her head, so she is to be treated like one. Gradually, she will turn you into her ATM and once you cannot meet up with her demands, off she goes.

Miss Jealous Forever: With Miss Jealous Forever, every female that greets you is a rival and must be fought off. Even your innocent little cousin or niece must stay away from you or else, they will know that there is a difference between acid and water. Don’t ever make the attempt of chatting with your female colleague or the pretty choir mistress in your church because Miss Jealous Forever will tear her apart. She is always on guard, insecure and never at peace in the relationship and if care is not taken will be jealous of your own mother. Guy, run for your life!

Miss Dependent: Another one to run from with your heels touching the back of your neck. Miss Dependent is so insecure that her slogan is; 'I live for you and I have nothing else to do'. She is totally dependent on you and her happiness and survival depends on you. She can't think of a life without you and of course, you will love the affection initially, but later, it will become suffocating and you will want to give up. She will keep texting you and ask you for updates every minute and if you don't tell her 'I love you' often in a day, she will feel the world is ending for her.

Miss Clingy: Do not mistake Miss Clingy for Miss Dependent. Though they may have a lot in common, they are different people. Miss Clingy is a total nuisance who can’t go anywhere or do anything without the company of her man. She’ll adopt your interests, call you 20 times a day and fly off the handle anytime she’s not around to monitor your behavior. She will smother any chance of you missing her by insisting that you spend every waking moment with her, refusing to let you go out with the boys or spend any significant amount of time with anyone else.
We have some more but let us take a chill for now!

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