Blackberry has a problem…it is not what you think it is…it is not a poor app market, poor battery life or all around poor phone performance. Whilst those are problems, the main problem is that BLACKBERRY JUST HAS TOO MANY DAMN PHONES! Grasping the blackberry phone naming nomenclature is a brain draining exercise that perhaps requires a Masters degree…you have a blackberry Curve, Bold, Storm, Storm 2, Tour, Style, Torch, Bold, Torch, Bold Touch and their wallet snatching Porsche. But that is not where it stops…each of the afore mentioned phone version have on the average about 2-3 variations underneath them, for example the Bold has a Bold 9000, Bold 9650, Bold 9700 and Bold 9780. By the time you are done counting you will notice that Blackberry has over 50 versions of phones at any given time in its arsenal. Iphone, their competition…the one that everybody is running too…the ones currently dominating the mobile phone market has a grand total of 3 phone versions: Iphone, Iphone 3G (also has 3Gs) and Iphone 4 (also has 4s)! Apple is able to focus all it’s attention on its 3 phone models evolving and fine-tuning them to near perfection.
It is the classic battle between quality and quantity that has carried on for years. In the quantity market, blackberry is the undisputed king. But when it comes to the quality arena, Iphone are Colonial Masters aka Dictators…snatching up territories that no one even knew existed. At the end of the day the customer is always the judge and they have historically picked quality over quantity and here’s why…no matter how many phone versions a customer has available, they can only use one at a time! Which means that quality is the only and will always be the primary determinant on a products success. As a business, don’t try and do everything, instead try and concentrate on a few because at the end of the day, your clientele will judge not by how many services you offer but how well you deliver on those services.