I am sorry but keep your virginity to yourself. Like stop rubbing it in our faces.
It does not make your relationship better, does not make your sex better, does not increase your bank account and does not make you a better person. It just means you had sex after so many other people. And last I checked you don’t get an award for that.
Virginity is not an anti-divorce seal and science has proven that Virginity does absolutely nothing. But yet it is a prized asset, like a girl with light skin and flowing long hair. That angelic image of a virgin that can do no wrong, but last I checked a virgin can still stab you in the back and slap your head off.
But we don’t hear enough of them because every minute one virgin or the other is whispering out loud about their virginity. Why do virgins have to announce their virginity to the world, “hey look at my legs, look at them nobody has gone between them.”
I know I know not all virgins say that, some are quiet and humble and I respect that. This rant are for those virgins that have to tell the world they are virgins so that on their wedding day their virginity is on everyone’s mind. They like the virginity attention, its like a drug. “Hey look … my hymen it’s still intact” O wow … have a Virgin cookie!
And it’s always the same thing hey “I saved my self for marriage” because a pastor who was likely not a virgin told me not to mess around! But I wish, really wish they said…”hey look I am a virgin … I saved myself for marriage and saved a ton of money by investing in a diverse portfolio and several businesses so that I don’t have to depend on my Husband who o by the way is not a virgin to save my behind!”
I wish that was the message we told our daughters instead of telling them to aim for virginity while their Husbands run around. But hey we will let it slide because it’s the job of the woman to protect her virginity and not the man … that’s the double standard we sell our women. So much so that virgin married woman can strut around in the same paragraph as an accomplished unmarried woman …. that’s what our nation adores. But last I check virginity did nothing for our Nations GDP!
Now please before you go about breaking your hymen … STOP.
I am not saying you should start sleeping around or that virgins are evil people. All I am saying is it to keep your virginity to yourself. Stop waving it around because it is distracting and does not allow us to address real sexual issues …
Which is why most parents use virginity as an excuse not to talk about sex to their children and that to me is even more dangerous. There is this assumption by parents that their children (male or female) are virgins so they for the most part see no need to get out of their comfort zone to teach us about it.
And when Parents are not teaching … guess what the world is teaching and the world can mess you up! Not to mention that it makes that boy or girl who had no say in who took their virginity feel imperfect, immoral … not pure. That’s my issue with virginity and that’s why I feel it is overrated!