Ope's Opinions

Being a Nigerian Might Actually SUCK

14:16:00Opeyemi Famakin

At times when i hear people say stuff like "I'm proud to be Nigerian" or "Nigeria is the best" or some random patriotic shit like that the first thing i always ask em is 'Have you ever traveled outa Nigeria before? Cuz i doubt that anyone who has travveled outa Naija will say such.

I'm a movie freak, i spend at least one hour everyday seeing movies and most of them are hollywood movies or series (nope i dont waste my time watching the low quality low budget fucked up storyline movies Nollywood dishes out) and recently i've noticed how in Hollywood movies they
take jabs at Nigerians. They take jabs at us at being online scammers (thanks to yahoo yahoo boys), they take jabs at us for being primitive thinkers (thanks to some stupid archaic cultures and beliefs that refuse to go thru evolution eg. giving someone something with your left hand is disrespectful?) and most times they just diss us for being Nigerians, imagine.. saying Are you Nigerian or You're a Nigerian is now a bad thing, just like saying are you a thief.

2009 a couple of friends and i went to Ghana on an excursion (to scope babes) and we stayed in Legon. If i may say Ghana is way better than Nigeria (Ghanian girls included), for starters their electricity is dope, they only took the light once and before they took the light they announced on the radio that the power supply would be gone for 30 minutes and they gave the reasons why. Their roads are just Ok.. compared to Nigerian roads its far better, their police men didnt harass us nor bully us (like Nigerian policemen would), see basically Ghana is far better than Nigeria and the thing is they are younger than us and they have fewer resources.

The person who only eats his mothers soup will say his mothers soup is the best. Most Nigerians will say 'Ehn we know Nigeria is bad but it has some good qualities", no offence but there Nothing good about Nigeria. What you see as Good is just BASIC. Yes we are better than some countries but are you proud of the fact that you are better than a country like Somalia  or one of those countries that USA uses on its 'Feed Africa' project. It's like Unilag saying they are better than Lasu or Osu? No we wont say such, we would argue that we are better than schools like UI, Uniben or OAU. You know  saying an 'Average Nigerian lives on less than a dollar', when i head it at first i was insulted and i was like i dont live on less than a dollar and i dont have any friend or family who does. Then some of my friends who just came back from NYSC sat me down and explained to me how its true, most especially in the north. That people live on 100- 150 naira daily. I remember one time back in school when one of my lecturers said 'Nigeria is a third world country', i took that shii P and argued with her that she was wrong that though we are not fully developed we are also not underdeveloped but she kept explaining to me that i was wrong and for more than 30 minutes i kept arguing with her. If only i had a time machine id go back in time and be like 'Boy sit yo fat ass back o that chair and stop arguing with this woman, she's right'.

So recently i and my family went to the USA and at the airport the guy who was checking us in was all smiles and saying he liked our accent and asked if we were south Africans, but when he heard we were Nigerians he suddenly turned cold and told us to step aside for special searching. The person was a black american, the thing is over there black people help each other and shii but this Nigga didnt give a fuck that we were black, the fact that we were Nigerians just ticked him off and for FOUR hours they delayed us and gave us a thorough searching and seized the Amala my mum brought (they probably thought it was coke). After searching us and finding out hey we were clean they still delayed us so i changed it for them, i told them to check our passport that this wasnt our first or second time coming and they told me that its a random search, then i said how come we were the only ones being searched and they didnt answer. Then i said 'Oh i see, it's cuz im Nigerian yeah' then they sha gave some bullshit excuses but i made sure i gave them a piece of my mind. Of course my mum was scared cuz she thought they might send me back, but i couldnt give a fuck if they did. I blasted them and after they let my family go they delayed me extra but eventually they let me go.

When i talk about Nigeria with hate people always wonder why, they'll be like its because he travels a lot and now he's feeling proud. But that's wrong, first of all its cuz i have common sense and i see the shit that's going on in Nigeria, that's why Nigeria pisses me off. Currently as i'm typing this article there's no light in my crib, it's the generator that's on and i paid the nepa bill on saturday. I paid my nepa bills and there's no light and i cant do shit about it. No need for me to start calling all the shit that happens in Nigeria, you're currently living it out. Also yes its because i travel a lot and in my travels i've seen the kinda shit that happens when people know you're Nigerian. People literally look down on NIGERIANS. If you went to usa and say 'I'm from Ghana' they'll be like 'Oh how nice, tell me about ghana" but if you say you're from Nigeria they way they will look at you and judge you, its so distasteful.

Yes Nigeria is not as bad as some other countries but is that what you're gona use to console yourself, people say 'ehn we know Nigeria isn't all rosy and stuff but it could be worse', what kinda shitty and downright myopic saying is that, It could be worse. Yes i was born and bred in Nigeria but am i really proud of the fact that i'm a Nigerian?

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  1. Preach brother, i wish people can speak up like you do, i think it will help a lil, this country needs huge change starting with our leaders before us.... nice post! keep it up


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