DBD: Dull Brain Disease

22:45:00Opeyemi Famakin

Dull Brain Disease is a terminal brain condition that makes people do stupid and weird stuff.
It happens to mostly men and with therapy it can be cured.
If someone who has dullbrain disease is in trouble release the person for he probably had no control over his action.

Signs and symptoms: they vary and we can't pinpoint an exact reason.. Its a very scarce disease though.

Don't take this article too seriously.. I wrote it just in case.. Like maybe just in case I was in police wahala.. I'd just tell them I have Dbd and tell them to google it. After reading the first two lines they'd believe me.. Also in a few weeks I'll be going g to NYSC camp and I have a feeling I'll use DBD excuse to get out of a lot of stuff.

PS: there's no disease called Dbd, I coined it out of dubiousness. Who knows, you too might need to use the DBD excuse one day.

Talking about excuses I remember one time back in Uni during a lecture I went to misyarn and the lecturer threatened to fuckup my life, quickly I claimed I was partially deaf and slightly retarded.. The lecturer actually believed me and till now when he talks to me he talks slowly so I can understand. Lol

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