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15 Funny Pictures Only People Who Attended Primary School In Nigeria Will Understand

04:27:00Opeyemi Famakin


1. Your unofficial second family.

Your unofficial second family.
You basically saw them every other day.

2. The main guests at every 'end of the year' party

The main guests at every 'end of the year' party
Barney was always hungry.

3. The joy of graduating from using pencils to finally using pens.

The joy of graduating from using pencils to finally using pens.
All the responsibilities.

4. The face of your parents during Speech and Prize Giving Day.

The face of your parents during Speech and Prize Giving Day.
“If you don’t get prize ehn.”

5. Everyone’s unofficial classmate.

Everyone’s unofficial classmate.
Agbo was awesome, please.

6. That exercise book everyone used.

That exercise book everyone used.
Never saw one without drawings on the cover.

7. The eraser you could never finish.

The eraser you could never finish.
Even swallowed the lie that the blue part could erase ink.

8. That subject everyone hated.

That subject everyone hated.
The wahala.

9. The textbook that gave everyone nightmares.

The textbook that gave everyone nightmares.
The horror.

10. Those computer socks we all rocked.

Those computer socks we all rocked.
They were just too cool that time.

11. The shoes everyone wore.

The shoes everyone wore.
BATA of life.

12. The time Mr Biggs was still EVERYTHING.

The time Mr Biggs was still EVERYTHING.
Sigh! Their donuts and meatpies that year.

13. That punishment everyone dreaded.

That punishment everyone dreaded.
The worst. Just flog me instead, let me cry and go.

14. The Instrument they tried to force everyone to learn.

The Instrument they tried to force everyone to learn.
You ended up only learning how to play one song.

15. The face you made whenever you saw a classmate eat chalk.

The face you made whenever you saw a classmate eat chalk.
How is it doing you?

So, did we miss anything?

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  1. Lmao it brought back memories mehn I think I'm nostalgic right now lol I'll quantitative over my departmental courses anytime anyday :D

  2. Omg. I can't stop laughing... my cheeks are hurting... quantitative reasoning even till now whenever my little sister has that assignment I run away


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