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15 Annoying People Every Nigerian Has Met

05:36:00Opeyemi Famakin


1. People who take too long when using the ATM.

atm bed
Is it a novel?

2. Drivers that see you trying to cross the road, then speed up.

what is this behaviour
Is this one mad?

3. People who preach with megaphones very early in the morning.

sleeping pill
Is it not too early?

4. Passengers on the bus who keep trying to look into your phone.

phone bus
Can I help you?

5. Passengers on the bus that complain the money the conductor gave them isn’t clean enough.

Better take it and be going.

6. Sellers in the market who randomly grab and pull you.

what nonsense
Is your uncle mad?

7. Customer Care people who know even less about the problem than you do.

Yoruba confused
How did you even get this job?

8. People who think “you’ve added oh” counts as a proper greeting.

What is wrong with you?

9. Cashiers who never ever have change.

so what
Better go and find change.

10. Conductors who join your change with another passenger.

lhhatl angry
I hate you.

11. Cab drivers that tell you they know the place, and then start asking you for directions.

are you
See this one.

12. Waiters who don’t tell you the POS isn’t working till you’re done eating.

Hay God! Stress.

13. People at bars who clearly know nothing about football, but shout the loudest.

close your mouth
Will you keep quiet.

14. Secretaries that exist only to be rude.

Sorry you hate your job.

15. That stranger that will walk up to you and complain about your outfit or how you’re kissing bae in public.

e concern
Do I know you?

You know you’ve met them, they are EVERYWHERE!

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  1. The number four peeps mehn...thr hs to b a law wit capital punishment against wat they do

  2. Why did u use Hegemony's album art?


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