Equity is the quality of being fair and impartial. Synonyms: fairness, fair-mindedness, justness, justice, equitableness, fair play
Feminism is the advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes. synonyms: the women's movement, the feminist movement, women's liberation, female emancipation, women's rights.
When female Nigerian 2019 presidential aspirant 'Eunice Atuejide' was asked if she was a feminist, she blatantly said no and she said Feminism doesn't always mean equity. She said Feminism means equity as far as the women get the first slice of the cake. She said she believes in 'Equity Equity' and not "Feminism Equity" which favours the women more.
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The governor of Kaduna recently declared free education in public schools for all girls and if we're being honest that's a very applaudable feat. The narrative in the north is that most women aren't as educated as the men and while that may be true it isn't totally true. As someone who did his NYSC in Kaduna state and taught in a village government school I can categorically tell you that more girls go to school(Primary and Secondary) than boys. Most boys are trained at early ages to own businesses or start a petty trade and because the northerners groom their girls to be housewives they send them to school just to while away time whereas they prefer the boys working at an early age. So, I know for a fact that more girls go to schools than boys.
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That being said, I see a lot of campaigns made to empower women and I have no issue with this. But, I feel we're so focused on empowering the women that we actually start forgetting the boys. It's like having a class of 20 students and you feel 5 of the students are academically weaker, so you focus ALL your energy on them only assuming the remaining 15 students would help themselves since they are already ok. The chances are the 5 students you focus ALL your energy on would come out 10 times better than the remaining 15.
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My final question is, If the reverse was the case and they made education free for only boys, would the energy remain the same. Would people just read the headline and say nothing. Would people be cool with the decision and not shout patriarchy and 'It's a man's world'. I'm just saying, right now we've been sold the ideology that women are weaker and women have been marginalized so we focus all our energy on empowering them and making them stronger but we totally ignore the boys. Basically, it's like the case of the sinking Titanic. Only the women and the children were saved while the men were left to die.
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