So vals day is finally over, How did i spend my val? Well my blackberry crashed and i had to get an android phone which i currently hate.. No babe to smooch no special outing (except my regular business meetings).. Then again i'm not into sentimental holidays..Anyways that's by the way.. Lets talk about valentines day in Nigeria
THE TORTURE- 1st to 13th
Every year from the 1st of February Nigerian folks all over the country start dreading the 14th. We men start thinking and calculating what to buy for our “ladies” and the girls start getting jittery over the thought of them being “left out” in the game. This cracks me up every frigging year. I could bet if we could roll out cameras everywhere in Lagos from the 1st of February it would be a hit comedy reality TV show. Throughout the most dreaded two weeks the ladies start thinking…
“Is he going to val me?”, “Should I val him to get a gift in return” , “Will my gift be better than hers?”and the single ones will say…
“ Thank God I’m single who has time?, “I hate valentines, it has no purpose”, “who cares it just another day”
but we all know what they really mean don’t we? Hilarious!
To the guys however, its just another excuse for girls to receive gifts besides the “ relationship anniversary”, “first kiss anniversary”, “first day we met anniversary”, “proposal anniversary”, “birthday” and “wedding anniversary”.I’m sure there are other anniversaries too. *sigh* poor us
The ladies start hinting their “men” on what they want. Every store they pass by they’ll be like “I love that dress on that manikin”, “Omg! The new Iphone is so cool”, “ this love like a movie show will make sense o!”, “ I’m tired of this car, God should just get me another one” and on the other side the guy will just be like “uh huh”, “yeah”, or nodding in agreement and in his mind he is like “which kain wahala be this?” Trust me even if he came through for you, this thought definitely came across his mind.
Throughout the 24 hours of the 14th of February ladies all over Nigeria particularly Lagos, turn on their valentine’s A game. From 12am trouble looms! Just like her birthday, and other anniversaries you are expected to text or call to say Happy Valentines day and sweet talk till dawn and when the sun rises she better have the first installment of her gift(s) waiting at her door step and don’t get it twisted there better be a second installment of probably a romantic dinner or another surprise in that line. Again! Thank goodness I am not a man.
Then the commotion on social media begins! Funny bbm broadcasts, Facebook posts, funny Blackberry display pictures, couple Blackberry display pictures, Instagram pictures of real and fake gifts, tweets from Valentine lovers and haters.
Because of the social media buzz, the singles, recently dumped, and side chics who are still on the edge of their beds hoping for a miracle begin to loose their cool and get jittery then they find solace in Valentine hate updates. Chai! This Valentine palava! In the end the day looks longer than the same 24hrs they lived through yesterday.
Only if Saint Valentine knew the wahala he was going to cause when they declared this day one to celebrate love in honor of him.
On that note let me just share what I think about Valentine’s day. It’s a day to show and share love simple! No need to over complicate it. “Love” meaning an expression to anyone you care about. This could be yourself, family, friends, neighbors, partners, orphans, needy, or even your mechanic. The important thing we need to understand is not to put our happiness in the hands of others by expecting “too much” in the name of valentine. Once you love yourself and know your self worth, you know a day is not enough for you to be appreciated or to appreciate someone.
So please everyone keep calm its just Valentines not star wars.
Errr… don’t get it twisted, I also love a sweet valentine with gifts and treats so dear future wife, don’t dig up this post as an excuse to miss Valentines.
This year I decided to pause on loving others and love me. I bought myself a new book and spent my the day treating myself to sweets, red wine especially “The Voice” awesome!.. Of course i was worried about my spoilt phone but YOLO
Here are some pictures that cracked me up from this Valentine…
The comics…
The hopefuls…
The haters…
And the Sadists…
So what category did you fall? And how did you spend your Valentine?
I was part of d vala gift might nt b over d top expensive buh it was reli thoughtful n sweet it was d tlk of my hostel self