Ope's Opinions

The List of Guys You Shouldn't Date

08:43:00Opeyemi Famakin

So today, here I am with my list of the most dangerous men Nigerian ladies should beware of. Maybe you have always been unlucky to run into these types of men; it’s now time to run far, far, away.

1. Mr. Scared-Cat
While seemingly a normal, possibly timid guy, things can go extremely wrong when he finds out your true feelings. Men like these aren't mature enough to handle relationships, so they avoid them at all costs. For example, he may show signs of sharing your infatuation, but when talk of commitment comes up, he acts as if you've never even met. If this man comes into your life, don’t beat yourself up over his sudden change of heart. He’s simply a scared little boy, not the man of your dreams.

2. Mr. Flirt is better known with the now refined name of ‘player’ and he is all out for anything in skirt. He has dozens of women on the backburner and possesses a constant hunger to string more along to fulfill his insecure mindset. When you spot this man, don’t let him get to you. You can bet those charming one-liners and suave winks have been used many times before to his advantage. You’ll always be an option, but never a priority.

3. Mr. Blow-Off This guy has no trouble setting plans and organizing dates. In fact, he is usually the one that routinely lights up your phone every Friday night, promising you some fun time over the weekend. But you may not be the one he actually has in mind because he schedules numerous dates and weighs his options. If you’re not top on his list, you’ll probably get the “Oh, sorry, I’m not feeling so well,” text or possibly no response at all. Don’t let it bother you; he wasn't worth your time.

4. Mr. Narcissist loves himself more than he loves you and spends more time on himself at your detriment. Does your man spend more time getting ready than you do? Does he constantly check his hair in every mirror he comes across? Is he seemingly more in love with himself than in you? Are his interests limited to his own idealistic opinions and profound theories? Yeah, he’s head over heels - with himself, and does not have an iota whether you exist.

5. Mr. Dramatic is a modern day primadonna and can freak out at anything just to make you feel guilty. He will fan every little disagreement you have into a full blown argument or even a fight because he wants to be heard first and above anyone else. He complains about everything you do and makes sure your friends and colleagues know any little offence you committed against him. He can’t handle jokes, criticism or sarcasm and is always on the boil, ready to explode.

6. Mr. Power Monger  has a need to control you, your life, time, activities and even your finances. He wants to dictate what you do and where you go, the friends you keep and even the way you speak to him. If he starts ordering you around or trying to manipulate you in any way, it is time to do a reality check on the relationship. If you give him any hint of taking his control, he will only continue to build power by wearing you down. In order for a relationship to happily function, both sides need to share authority. He isn’t the boss of you; you control your own life.

7. Mr. Know-It-All Even as a man, I hate people who claim to know everything and I know that everyone hates a know-it-all. If you find yourself with this man, you’ll become aware of your situation very quickly. You’ll probably be told you’re incorrect more frequently and you should prepare for the flood of extensive knowledge your man is going to heap upon you. The information you’re being bombarded with is this man’s way of looking smarter or trying to impress you. It’s not impressive, it’s downright annoying.

8. Mr. Judgmental It is one thing to watch what people do and another thing to point out every flaw in those around you. This of man can spot someone unique and different from a mile away and has this conformist need to cut them up and express his dislike of their differences. For him, your friends are bad influences on you and will lead to your doom. Your pastor or Imam is not doing anything right and you should dump them. He is incredibly shallow and don’t have the capacity to dig deep and really get to know anyone out of the ordinary. You don’t want to date a mean, un-understanding man.

9. Kept Man These types of guys are everywhere, especially in big cities, preying on lonely big girls and elderly women for their upkeep. He has no job and has no plans to get one. What is worse is that he’s got champagne taste on a beer budget and knows how to manipulate his way into your wallet to support the lavish lifestyle he desperately wants. He knows the best boutique in town and has a sharp dress sense – all on you. He might seem like a super nice guy who is going through some tough times, but he's only concerned about what you can do for him. Don’t let this guy charm his way into your heart or your wallet, because he will not be easy to let go!

10. Mama’s Boy Men must always be close to their families, especially their mothers but if your guy is the type who can’t take any decisions without his mama’s input, my dear, you are in serious competition. We are not talking about a man who once in a while, seeks his mother’s advice on some life-altering decisions here; we mean the guy who compares you to his mother negatively, runs to his mother at the slightest drop of an hat, needs mummy’s advice on his clothes, car, job, food and his kind of woman; he will surely make you play second fiddle as mama will always be the number.

11. Mr. Married Man I know most women run away from a guy who's married, but some aren't aware of his relationships status or they find out after they've already fallen in love for him. In either case, don't get caught up with the married guy. He's obviously unable to stay faithful to the woman he made a vow to be with, but he also manipulates his situation so that you feel sorry for him and fall for all of his lies. He might lead you to believe that he's trapped in a loveless marriage and that he's going to eventually leave his wife and children for you, but in most, if not all situations, there's very little chance that he's going to change for anyone.

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  1. opes secret crush23 April 2014 at 18:53

    D ones i 8 d most ar d mummys boys

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.


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